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Palatability and efficacy of RB soft bag formulated baits in controlling house mouse and Norway rat in animal food blender facilities and pig farm

dc.creatorVukša, Marina
dc.creatorĐedović, Suzana
dc.creatorJokić, Goran
dc.creatorStojnić, Bojan
dc.description.abstractSuzbijanje glodara vrši se uglavnom po uočavanju brojnog prisustva. Preparati treba da imaju što bolju prihvatljivost. Eksperimente smo obavili u mešaoni stočne hrane i na farmi svinja (obori sa odraslim svinjama, porodilište i prostorije sa malim prasićima) u Omoljici po standardnoj EPPO metodi. Prihvatljivost i efikasnost RB formulisanih mekih mamaka (u obliku paste u kesicama mase 10-20 g) sa 0,005% bromadiolona i 0,005% brodifakuma kao aktivne supstance su testirani za suzbijanje kućnog miša i sivog pacova. Kao standard koristili smo mamke u obliku peleta. Mamci su postavljani u specijalne kutije. Brojnost glodara izračunata je na osnovu najveće i najmanje količine pojedenog mamka podeljeno sa dnevnom količinom potrebne hrane, a primenjen je metod cenzusa pre i posle tretmana. Prisustvo glodara praćeno je i 30 dana posle tretmana. Prihvatljivost i efikasnost testirane RB (meki mamak) i standardne formulacije izračunata je prema Abott-ovoj i Handers-Tiltonovoj formuli. Rezultati su pokazali da je postignuta veoma visoka prihvatljivost testirane RB formulacije naročito za mamke na bazi brodifakuma kao aktivne supstance. Efikasnost svih testiranih preparata na bazi bromadiolona bila je izuzetno visoka, 81,81 do 100 %, a za preparat na bazi brodifakuma iznosila je 100 % i za Rattus norvegicus i za Mus musculus.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Norway rat and house mouse the most important rodent pest at farms eat and polullut the huge food quantity and carry a range of severe infectious diseases to humans and pets. Rodent control is undertaken only after its presence has been registered. Preparations for their control need to meet palatability requirements. Experiments were conducted in animal food blender facilities and pig farm (maternity and rooms with young and adult pigs) in Omoljica following the standard EPPO method. Palatability and efficacy of RB formulated baits (paste in special 10 g paper bags) containing 0.005% bromadiolone and 0.005% brodifacoum were tested against the house mouse and Norway rat. Baits in pellete formulation were used as the standard. All the baits were placed in special boxes. Rodent abundance was evaluated based on the highest and the lowest daily baits consumption divided by the daily required of food amount, and a census method before and after treatment. Rodent presence was monitored over the next 20 days. The efficacy of the tested RB soft bag and standard formulations was calculated according to Abbott's formula. The results showed that palatability and efficacy of RB soft bag formulations (81-100%) was substantially high especially of brodifacoum-based baits.en
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46008/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectRB soft bag formulationen
dc.subjectpig farmen
dc.subjectNorway raten
dc.subjecthouse mouseen
dc.titlePrihvatljivost i efikasnost RB mekog mamka formulacije u suzbijanju kućnog miša i sivog pacova u mešaoni stočne hrane i na farmi svinjasr
dc.titlePalatability and efficacy of RB soft bag formulated baits in controlling house mouse and Norway rat in animal food blender facilities and pig farmen
dc.citation.other27(4): 1801-1810



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