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Phytopathogenic fungi from Colletotrichum genus on fruit species

dc.creatorGrahovac, Mila
dc.creatorInđić, Dušanka
dc.creatorBalaž, Jelica
dc.creatorVuković, Slavica
dc.creatorTanović, Brankica
dc.creatorHrustić, Jovana
dc.creatorTanasković, Snežana
dc.description.abstractKao značajni prouzrokovači truleži plodova voća, fitopatogene gljive iz roda colletotrichum javljaju se u gotovo celom svetu i prouzrokuju velike ekonomske gubitke u umerenim, suptropskim i tropskim pojasevima. One mogu ostvariti infekciju u bilo kom stadijumu razvoja biljaka, međutim, ekonomski najznačajniji gubici javljaju se prilikom infekcije plodova posle berbe, u toku skladištenja, transporta i plasmana na tržište. Gubici plodova voćaka prouzrokovani delovanjem ovih patogena kreću se od 10 do 80%. Među voćnim vrstama umerenog klimata, kao domaćini colletotrichum spp. navode se jabuka, kruška, višnja, breskva, borovnica, jagoda, badem i grožđe. Najviše izučavane vrste ovog roda su C. gloeosporioides i C. acutatum. Simptomi se javljaju pre svega na nadzemnim delovima biljaka, listovima, stablu, kao i na plodovima pre i posle berbe, ali neretko i na podzemnim biljnim organima. Tipični simptomi se uočavaju na plodovima u vidu ulegnutih lezija u okviru kojih se formiraju ružičaste do narandžaste mase konidija - antraknoza. U našim klimatskim uslovima, slaba pojava simptoma u polju je, pre svega, posledica neodgovarajućih temperatura za razvoj patogena na početku sezone. Mnogo veće ekonomske štete nastaju usled latentnih infekcija, koje dovode do masovne pojave antraknoze tek nakon berbe plodova, pri ostvarivanju povoljnih uslova. Postojanje polnog stadijuma nije utvrđeno ni kod jedne od colletotrichum vrsta koje se javljaju na voću u našoj zemlji. U radu su detaljno prikazani rasprostranjenost, prouzrokovani gubici, spektar domaćina, simptomi, epidemiologija, prodiranje u biljku i kolonizacija tkiva voćaka fitopatogenim gljivama colletotrichum
dc.description.abstractPhytopathogenic fungi from Colletotrichum genus, the causal agents of fruit rot, commonly occur worldwide causing significant economic losses in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. Colletotrichum spp. can infect plants at any stage of development however, economically the most important losses are observed when infection is established after harvest, during storage, transport and marketing. Fruit losses caused by these pathogens range from 10 to 80%. Among fruit species in temperate region, apple, pear, sour cherry, peach, blueberry, strawberry, almond and grapes are quoted as host plants of Colletotrichum spp. C. gloeosporioides and C. acutatum are the most studied species from the genus. Symptoms caused by the pathogens appear predominantly on aboveground plant tissues, before and after harvest, however, belowground organs may also be affected. Typical disease symptoms known as anthracnose, characterized by sunken, dark lesions where pink to orange conidial masses are produced, can be observed on diseased fruits. Under our climatic conditions, rare occurrence of symptoms in the field is the consequence of unfavorable conditions for the disease development at the beginning of growing season. Significantly higher economic damages are caused by latent infections that result in mass occurrence of post-harvest anthracnose when favorable conditions are established. In Serbia, no sexual stage of any Colletotrichum species that infects fruit species has been observed. Prevalence, losses, host spectrum, symptoms, epidemiology, fruit penetration and tissue colonization by Colletotrichum spp. are discussed in the paper.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad
dc.sourceBiljni lekar
dc.subjecttrulež plodovasr
dc.subjectfruit roten
dc.subjectColletotrichum spp.en
dc.titleFitopatogene gljive roda Colletotrichum na voćnim vrstamasr
dc.titlePhytopathogenic fungi from Colletotrichum genus on fruit speciesen
dc.citation.other40(1): 28-38

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