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The justification for application and development trends of non-conventional rodenticides in protection of alfalfa from rodents

dc.creatorVukša, Marina
dc.creatorJokić, Goran
dc.creatorĐedović, Suzana
dc.creatorVukša, Petar
dc.creatorStojnić, Bojan
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani štetni glodari u usevima lucerke u Srbiji u prvoj deceniji ovog veka. Dat je i pregled registrovanih preparata, uz ocenu efikasnosti klasičnih (akutnih) rodenticida, antikoagulanata i rodenticida na bazi ekološki povoljnih aktivnih supstanci. Pored antikoagulanata I i II generacije, čiji se mehanizam delovanja zasniva na sprečavanju sinteze faktora koagulacije krvi, u svetu su osamdesetih, a kod nas devedesetih godina prošlog veka uvedeni preparati na bazi vitamina D3- holekalciferol. Njihov mehanizam delovanja je zasnovan na mobilizaciji kalcijuma iz kostiju i tkiva i kalcifikaciji krvnih sudova bubrega, jetre, srčanog mišića zbog čega dolazi do zastoja u radu ovih organa. Poslednje decenije prošlog veka registrovani su i preparati na bazi oligoelementa selena (Se) čiji se mehanizam delovanja zasniva na zameni SH grupa funkcionalnih enzima S-S grupama. Pored toga, prikazana su ispitivanja mogućnosti primene ekološkog preparata na bazi celuloze u polju. U svetu su, do sada, registrovani samo za suzbijanje glodara u komunalnim objektima. Njegov mehanizam delovanja zasnovan je na interferenciji sa apsorpcijom vode što dovodi do dehidratacije u glodara. Glodari ne razvijaju rezistentnost na preparate na bazi vitamina D3 i selena, a preparat na bazi celuloze je povoljan sa toksikološkog i ekotoksikološkog stanovišta.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the harmful rodents in alfalfa in Serbia in the first decade of this century. We also review the products registered and assessed the efficiency of conventional (acute) rodenticides, anticoagulant and rodenticides based on environmentally friendly active ingredients. In addition to anticoagulants of second generation, whose mechanism of action is based on a synthesis of the factors preventing blood coagulation, in the latest of the eighties, and in early of nineties introduced products based on vitamin D3-cholecalciferol. Their mechanism of action is based on the mobilization of calcium from bone and tissue and calcification of blood vessels, kidney, liver, heart muscle leading to delays in the work of these bodies. The last decade of the last century have been recorded and products based on trace element selenium (Se), the mechanism of action is based on the replacement of thiol functional enzymes SS groups. Also presents the possibility of application of ecological cellulose product in the field. In the world, so far, cellulose based rodenticides are only registered in municipal buildings. Its mechanism of action is based on interference with the absorption of water leading to dehydration in rodents. Rodents do not develop resistance to products based on vitamin D3 and selenium, a cellulose product is favourable toxicological and eco-toxicological point.en
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46008/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectsodium seleniteen
dc.titleOpravdanost primene i pravci razvoja nekonvencionalnih rodenticida u zaštiti lucerke od glodarasr
dc.titleThe justification for application and development trends of non-conventional rodenticides in protection of alfalfa from rodentsen
dc.citation.other28(4): 659-673



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