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Harmfull arthropods of tomato and pepper

dc.creatorDrobnjaković, Tanja
dc.creatorPrijović, Mirjana
dc.creatorPerić, Pantelija
dc.description.abstractParadajz i papriku, kao poljoprivredne kulture, kako na otvorenom polju, tako i u zaštićenim sistemima gajenja povrća (plastenicima i staklenicima) napada veći broj štetnih artropoda. Među najznačajnije se ubrajaju lisne i leptiraste vaši, grinje, tripsi, lisne sovice, lisni mineri i zemljišne štetočine (žičari, grčice i podgrizajuće sovice). Svi pomenuti štetni organizmi izazivaju daleko značajnije ekonomske gubitke na paprici i paradajzu gajenim u zaštićenom prostoru, u odnosu na otvoreno polje, zahvaljujući uslovima (visoka temperatura i vlaga) koji favorizuju rast i razvoj populacija štetočina tokom cele godine, postojanja velikog broja generacija, koje se kod pojedinih štetnih vrsta i preklapaju, umnogome otežavajući njihovo efikasno suzbijanje. Stoga su mnoge od pomenutih štetočina razvile rezistentnost prema brojnim aktivnim materijama insekticida i akaricida. Zaštita paprike i paradajza, kao i povrća uopšte je, danas, usaglašena sa zahtevima međunarodnih pravila. Ovaj pristup se oslanja na primenu preventivnih mera i monitoringa štetočina, dok se direktno suzbijanje (posebno korišćenje hemijskih metoda zaštite) preduzima samo kada je to neizbežno. Pored toga, nove aktivne supstance insekticida danas se razvijaju i uvode u primenu u uslovima sve većeg pritiska javnog mnjenja za smanjenjem ekoloških i zdravstvenih rizika, odnosno sve oštrijih toksikoloških i ekotoksikoloških kriterijuma koje postavlja zakonska regulativa. U okviru integralnog suzbijanja štetočina (IPM) podstiče se korišćenje prirodnih neprijatelja štetočina i aktivnih supstanci niskog rizika i daje poseban status alternativama za sintetisane pesticide, što ide u prilog uvođenju u primenu biopesticida. U ovom radu je dat prikaz najvažnijih štetnih artropoda i opisan njihov značaj, morfološke karakteristike, životni ciklus, simptomi prisustva i rasprostranjenost kao i mogućnosti primene mera, metoda i postupaka koji pojedinačno ili zajedno mogu pozitivno uticati na njihovo
dc.description.abstractTomato and pepper as agricultural crops grown both in the open field and in protected systems of vegetable cultivation (tunnel greenhouses and glasshouses) are attacked by various harmful arthropods. The most important pests include leaf aphids, whiteflies, mites, trips, leaf owls, leaf miners and soil pests (cableways, spikes and snoring). All these harmful organisms cause economic losses on peppers and tomatoes that are far more significant in protected environments than in the open field as their conditions (high temperature and humidity) are more favorable for growth and development of pest populations throughout the year, their large number of generations, which in some harmful species overlap, which greatly hampers their effective suppression. Therefore, many of these pests have developed resistance to numerous active substances of insecticides and acaricides. The protection of peppers and tomatoes, and vegetables in general, complies today with relevant international rules. This approach relies on the application of preventive measures and monitoring of pests, while direct suppression (the use of chemical methods of protection in particular) is undertaken only when it is inevitable. In addition, novel active ingredients of insecticides are being developed and introduced today under increasing public pressure to reduce environmental and health risks, i.e. more stringent toxicological and ecotoxicological legislation criteria. The use of natural enemies of pests and active low-risk active ingredients is encouraged within the integrated pest management (IPM) as it gives a special status to alternatives to synthesized pesticides, which supports the introduction of biopesticides. This paper presents an overview of the most important harmful arthropods and describes their significance, morphological characteristics, life cycle, symptoms of presence and distribution, as well as possibilities for applying measures, methods and procedures that can be used individually or in combination to achieve their suppression.en
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavle Vukasović"
dc.sourceBiljni lekar
dc.subjectštetne artropodesr
dc.subjectparadajz i paprikasr
dc.subjectmere i metode suzbijanjasr
dc.subjecttomato and pepperen
dc.subjectmeasures and methods of suppressionen
dc.subjectharmful arthropodsen
dc.titleŠtetne artropode paradajza i paprikesr
dc.titleHarmfull arthropods of tomato and pepperen
dc.citation.other45(6): 723-743

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