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Investigation of direct electrochemical oxidation of neonicotinoid pesticide thiamethoxam in water

dc.creatorStupar, Stevan Lj
dc.creatorIvanković, Negovan D.
dc.creatorGrgur, Branimir N.
dc.creatorTomašević, Anđelka
dc.creatorMijin, Dušan
dc.creatorKoprivica, Kosana
dc.description.abstractPoslednjih decenija očigledna je sve veća upotreba hemikalija na mnogo načina u savremenom životu. Stoga je mogućnost njegovog unosa u organizme, trovanja ljudi i životinja i oštećenja zdravlja, danas na visokom nivou, posebno kada su u pitanju katastrofe izazvane upotrebom toksičnih hemikalija u terorističkim napadima ili u vojne svrhe. Ako gledamo unapred, rizik od zagađenja vode i tla pesticidima, kao jednima od najvažnijih resursa za preživljavanje, uvek je prisutan. Široki spektri negativnih efekata pesticida na životnu sredinu iniciraju sve veći broj ispitivanja efikasnih metoda uklanjanja pesticida, posebno iz vode. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita efikasnost direktne elektrohemijske oksidacije kao metoda za insitu razgradnju pesticida u vodenoj sredini, u zavisnosti od koncentracije pesticida, prisutnih elektrolita, primenjene struje i pH vrednosti medijuma. Kao model molekula korišćen je neonikotinoidni pesticid tiametoksam. Kinetika razgradnje tiametoksama u vodenom rastvoru praćena je UV/Vis spektrometrijom.sr
dc.description.abstractIn recent decades an increase usage of chemicals in many ways of modern life is evident. So, the possibility of its intake into organisms, human and animals poisoning and health damage, is nowadays on a high level, especially when it comes to disaster situations caused by using toxic chemicals in terrorist attacks or for military purposes. If we look ahead, the risk of pesticide contamination of the water and soil, as one of the most important resources for surviving, is always present. The wide spectra of pesticide negative effects on the environment initiate the increasing number of investigations of efficient pesticide removal methods, especially from water. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of direct electrochemical oxidation as a method for in-situ degradation of pesticides in the aquatic environment, depending on the concentration of pesticides, present electrolytes, applied current and the pH value of the medium. As a model molecule, the neonicotinoid pesticide thiamethoxam was used. Kinetics of thiamethoxam degradation in aqueous solution was followed by UV/Vis spectrometry.en
dc.publisherVojnotehnički institut, Beograd
dc.relationThe research covered in this paper was carried out in the framework of the University of Defense, Project No. VATT/1/18-20
dc.sourceScientific Technical Review
dc.subjectUV/Vis spektroskopijasr
dc.subjectpotrošnja energijesr
dc.subjectkinetički parametrisr
dc.subjectIrOX anodasr
dc.subjectelektrohemijska oksidacijasr
dc.subjectUV/Vis spectroscopyen
dc.subjectkinetics parametersen
dc.subjectIrOX anodeen
dc.subjectenergy consumptionen
dc.subjectelectrochemical oxidationen
dc.titleIstraživanje direktne elektrohemijske oksidacije neonikotinoidnog pesticida tiametoksam u vodisr
dc.titleInvestigation of direct electrochemical oxidation of neonicotinoid pesticide thiamethoxam in wateren
dc.citation.other70(3): 11-16



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